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dental implants in brussels

The best care

At Saint-Géry Aesthetic Clinic, we offer quality dental implants for patients in Brussels and surrounding areas. Dental implants are a permanent solution to replace a missing or damaged tooth. They are also used to attach dentures to replace multiple missing teeth.

Dental implants are made of titanium, a biocompatible material that integrates perfectly with the jawbone. The dental implant placement process involves first attaching an implant into the jaw bone, then attaching a permanent denture to the implant. The complete healing process can take several months, but once the implant is securely fixed in the bone, it provides a permanent, long-lasting solution to replace a missing tooth.

The benefits of dental implants are numerous. Firstly, they look and feel natural, meaning you can eat, speak and smile with confidence. Additionally, dental implants can prevent bone loss in the jaw, which can occur when missing teeth are not replaced. Dental implants are also easy to maintain, simply requiring regular brushing and flossing, just like your natural teeth.

At Saint-Géry Aesthetic Clinic, our team of qualified professionals can help you regain your smile and your confidence using quality dental implants. We offer one-on-one consultations to discuss your options and determine if dental implants are the right solution for you.

Book online. It's easy, fast and secure.

implants dentaires à bruxelles


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